Every person on the Arrive Home team is what makes the difference in our service.
Comprised of Customer Care Specialists, Home Maintenance Specialists, and Professional Cleaners our team is dedicated to providing the best of themselves so they can, in turn, provide the most attentive and personalized care to you.
Jeff Taylor & Amy Hoffman
Founding Principals
Jeff and Amy have decades of experience working with homeowners and residents in multifamily and single-family homes. Jeff has spent his almost 30-year career in homeowner care and warranty management for single-family and condominium homebuilders, while Amy has spent over two-decades helping developers and investors of apartment and condominium buildings understand their residents so they can successfully design and build products that residents love to call home.
At the core of it all is their passion for people, and giving them the best home experience possible. Over the years they have met so many homeowners and tenants in a wide variety of home environments. Their focus has been on customer care, teaching people how to properly care for their homes, and educating them on where they should turn when things go wrong. Now they are able to provide you that knowledge and service directly through Arrive Home, giving you back precious time so you can go enjoy the things in life that mean the most to you.