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Arrive Home

What is Subscription Home Maintenance?

You’ve bought your condo! Congratulations! You’ve likely chosen the convenience of condo living because the idea of the constant upkeep of owning a single-family home feels daunting (it is!). But even with condo ownership comes levels of maintenance and upkeep that you may not be anticipating. With condo ownership, everything between the walls of your home is suddenly your property and responsibility to maintain, repair, and keep in tip-top shape. And, like most of us, mounting a television, changing a specialized HVAC filter, or even fixing a toilet that won’t stop running, may not be at the top of our list of talents (or how we want to spend our time!). Being responsible for all these tasks to keep your new home running at its finest can feel extremely daunting, even scary. That’s where subscription home maintenance comes in.

Arrive Home’s subscription home maintenance service helps you maintain a maintenance-free lifestyle to get back to the important parts of your day without any extra thought or worry. Imagine preventative maintenance to keep things going right, and repair and support when things go wrong. Arrive Home’s subscription service provides month-to-month access to handyman services, home cleaning services, as well as preventative maintenance check ins to keep your home running right. With a familiar and trusted team by your side, you can now live with the peace of mind that any issues that arise in your home will be swiftly resolved: not by YouTube tutorials and DIY attempts, or from hiring a stranger on craigslist, but from your own special curated team that knows you and your home, and cares for it just as much as you do.

What is Preventative Maintenance?

Preventative Maintenance can save you hundreds of dollars in costly repairs down the road, by nipping any issues in the bud before they start to run up your bill and cause you headaches and grief. Our team loves to help and service any repairs in your home, but it’s in everyone’s best interest to always keep your home running as smoothly as possible, and that means doing everything in our power to stop any problems before they start. We have a created a 45-Point Preventative Maintenance Checklist that our Home Maintenance Specialists will run through four times a year in your home to ensure that everything is running smoothly. This saves you the time and worry or having to run through these things yourself. The expert eyes of our specialists will be able to address and resolve any issues they find, without you needing to lift a finger. That leaves more time for relaxing with your family, learning a new hobby, or finally writing that novel you’ve been putting off!

Why a Subscription Model?

Subscription Home Maintenance offers you an opportunity for truly maintenance-free lifestyle. No more searching to vet the proper handyman or stressing to repair any broken appliances or fixtures in your home. Our Home Maintenance Specialists are constantly ready to help you with any trouble whether it be faulty appliances, squeaky hinges, or hanging that gorgeous new painting you found at Art Walk. The subscription model allows you to keep your trusted and familiar home specialists on speed dial ready to assist you with any need or issue, on demand. “Set it and forget it” with convenient autopay options. We keep tabs on your appliances, smoke detectors, air filters, etc. and can manage your home needs year after year.

Your condo should feel like your special home. You deserve to feel secure in your space without the worry of being surprised by costly and inconvenient repairs. Arrive Home is your trusted partner in condo maintenance, management, and home repair. Sign up for Arrive Home today and treat yourself to a truly maintenance-free lifestyle.

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